JCAF Online Application
The Joint Coalition Assistance Fund (JCAF)The Joint Coalition Assistance Fund (JCAF)
This is our JCAF Online Application Form
Be sure to read the instructions before filling out the online application. As a reminder you must answer all questions that apply. Incomplete application forms may be rejected or may be significantly delayed.
- A Copy of the Online Application you fill out will be emailed back to you from the current JCAF Volunteer. This will be your confirmation that your application has been received.
- If you have attachments that need to be submitted please send them to the current JCAF Volunteer once you receive your copy of the Online Application.
- Before pushing send on the Application Form please print a copy from your computer for your records.
- Be sure to read the JCAF Instructions before filling out the online application – CLICK HERE
- August, September & October 2016 JCAF contact is:
Leslie Garske- 720-635-2686 – email
JCAF Contacts
Aug/Sept/Oct 2016
Leslie Garske
Tel 720-635-2686
Feb/Mar/Apr 2016
Rick Cseak
Tel 720-854-5876
May/June/July 2016
Marsha Harris
Tel 303-770-2987
Aug/Sept/Oct 2016
Leslie Garske
Tel 720-635-2686
Nov/Dec 2016 through Jan 2017
Pat Harper
Tel 303-320-6133
Fax 844-269-8419